How to pick a celebrant

So, you're ready to tie the knot and want a wedding ceremony that's as unique as your love story? Heck yeah! Choosing the right marriage celebrant is the key to creating a wedding experience that's full of fun, laughter, and total awesomeness. In this blog post, I’m gonna show you how to find a celebrant who not only shares your values but also knows how to bring the party and create an inclusive atmosphere that'll have your guests saying, "That was the best ceremony EVER!"

How To Pick A Celebrant | Sydney Wedding Celebrant

This is what an awesome celebrant looks like, just FYI.

  1. Do your homework: Time to put your detective hat on! Start by doing some research - ask around for recommendations from like-minded folks, check out celebrants' websites, and stalk them on social media (in a non-creepy way, of course!). Look for celebrants that are giving fun vibes, embrace diversity, and have a passion for making every couple feel like rockstars on their big day. If you’ve already booked another major vendor like a venue or photographer, ask them too - celebrants and other vendors work together all the time, and they’ve got the tea on who’s good and who isn’t.

  2. Vibe check: Now it's time to meet potential celebrants and get the party started with an initial consultation. This is your chance to suss out their vibes and see if they're a match (and you thought your dating days were over…). Talk about your vision, share your ideas, and see how they respond. Look for celebrants who are down-to-earth, enthusiastic, and totally get what you're after. You really can’t go wrong with someone you vibe with, so do a values check and make sure that your celebrant is a good match for you and your guests. A good question to ask yourself is whether you’d want to have a bev with this person after the ceremony - if the answer is no, why let them marry you?! Find someone who is more your style!

  3. Fuck tokenism: You want a celebrant who is genuinely inclusive and accommodating, especially if you or your loved ones are from a minority group or diverse backgrounds. Inclusion is SO MUCH MORE than rainbow washing your website or a token nod to our First Nations peoples. Ask about the celebrant’s approach to inclusivity and how they make sure everyone feels welcome. Ask what they do to actively be an ally for your community or for those your care about. Remember that a rockstar modern celebrant will use gender-neutral language, respect pronoun preferences, and be culturally sensitive and appropriate, so if you see things like assumed genders on an enquiry form or cultural appropriation in pics from past weddings… Run. It’s 2023, this stuff ain’t okay.

  4. Personalisation: Your wedding ceremony should be as unique as you are! Look for a celebrant who's all about personalisation and adding epic elements to make your ceremony unforgettable. Do they embrace your traditions and cultures, do they find funky rituals that fit you perfectly, and are they pros at involving guests and special people? Find out if they're open to collaboration, ask them how they approach co-designing your ceremony because that’s what will have you saying "Hell yeah, that's totally us!" at the reception!

  5. Testimonials: Check out their celebrant superpowers! Ask to see examples of their past ceremonies and read their testimonials on Google or social media. This is where you'll see if they can truly bring the fun and create a celebration that'll have you and your guests cheering and fist-pumping. Remember though - testimonials are best from couples who are like you, so if you’re a queer couple looking for a super progressive celebrant, try and find testimonials from other queer couples so you can be 100% sure you’re in safe hands.

When it comes to choosing a celebrant, it's all about finding your perfect match who can deliver a ceremony that's as unique as you are. Do your research, meet with celebrants who know how to party, and make sure they embrace diversity and share your values. With a celebrant who brings the fun, your wedding ceremony will be an absolute blast, leaving you and your guests with unforgettable memories and a whole lot of love in your hearts. So let's raise a glass and say, "Cheers to finding the celebrant who'll make our wedding the party of a lifetime!"


Why inclusivity is at the core of a good wedding


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